Thursday, February 11, 2010

Little Branch

If I were an organ harvester, this is exactly how my lair would look. In fact, as my date led me through an unmarked door and down some rickety steps into a dingy basement, I was slightly worried that I would wake up missing a kidney. But after being greeted by the cool hostess and glancing at the liquor selection behind the bar, I was reassured. The hostess informed us she didn't have a table free, and invited us to hang out at the bar.

The bookish-sexy asian gal behind the bartend (who, with her glasses, looked more like a lab rat than a server) asked us what we were in the mood for. When we asked about whiskey drinks, she rattled off a few things from the 1800's, proving her mixology prowess. I knew we were in good hands. Cocktails were complex and yummy, using ingredients even I don't know. They were made carefully and efficiently, and were not too esoteric to keep me from sipping them.

After getting our drinks, we looked for a couple bar stools, and found two free by the empty band area. It turned out the band was on a break, and when we heard their soul-jazzy tunes, we knew we had found the best seats in the house.

The vibe of the place is down-to-earth, and, with the lack of decor, you know everyone is there for the drinks, not the scene. It's definitely a place for great cocktails, but be sure to bring your own company. The small booths along the wall will be taken by couples, as will the few barstools, and the bartenders are way too busy to chat for long.

And, it's a good way to freak someone out if they don't know what they're in for!

Visit date: January, 2010


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Restaurant and bar reviews around the country from a woman who eats and drinks like one. And has strong opinions.